1. I love the history of the first Thanksgiving. Grateful for the pilgrims who sacrificed so much. 102 came over on the Mayflower and only 52 survived that first year. They didn't give up when it was hard. They had a dreams of freedom and now we are blessed to have that valuable freedom.
2. Grateful for the modern conveniences that allow me to be able to keep in touch with my family so easily. Having them all so far away is difficult, and I miss them constantly but I am grateful to be able to call or email them any time.
3. Grateful for having the Lord in my life. What a sweet peace this gives to know that some one else has a greater love for us all. How fortunate I am when I stop and look, and recognize all the blessings he sends.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
My mom and her family have always been wonderful cooks. Through out the years I have been blessed with delicious home cooked Thanksgiving feasts. This year my brothers were all away with their families and so it was with Auntie Kay's girls too. So we did something out of the ordinary and went out for Thanksgiving dinner. We arrived at Little America at 11:00am to find a very long line of hungry people and waited...
And waited some more... (Mom and Auntie Kay)
still waiting...
And then we ate. A lot. Turkey, prime rib, crab legs, potatoes...
Yes, it was worth the weight. Er I mean wait. :)
After dinner we went and saw that adorable movie Enchanted. We loved it. We had great time together and I am so grateful for these three wonderful people who mean so much to me. They each do so much for me, and I hope they understand that they are staples in my life. I can't imagine not having them. But with that all said, I really missed my brothers and their families today. (missed my cousins too) It just isn't the same with out the excitement, the conversation and even the noise. I would have loved to watch my sweet nieces and nephews eat and play with one another, I would have loved to talk with my amazing sister in laws, I would have loved to watch my brothers push each other around, I would have loved to just laugh with everyone and even would have liked to see my family argue a bit.(although me and the parents did some of our own :) )
Every year our family goes around and says three things we are thankful for. With all our Little America excitement today we didn't go around and share. I will not let the tradition die. Here are my three:Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving Eve
Today in honor of one of my dearest friends Rachael, we celebrated her 25 years of life by going to the restaurant she loves... Carrabas. Rach, Brad, JD, Matt, Riley(Matt's daughter) and me enjoyed a lovely meal. The best calamari, superb steak and delicious chicken. I washed my meal down with several slices of bread soaked with oil and vinegar and of course 3 diet vanilla cokes. It may seem like a bit much the night before a holiday dedicated to eating and being grateful. But I say, why only one meal?? Let the gratitude begin!
Rach, Brad and Riley (Not quite sure what Brad is looking at.....)
Matt, JD and me (thanks for buying my dinner too!)
Rach and I met years ago when we both were working in the back stockroom of Mervyns Department store. Oh the lovely memories of working retail. We have been friends ever since. Thanks for being born Rach!! Love you!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
So I need to get a few things of my chest. Uh hm...
I absolutely hate Wal-mart. I think they are trying to take over the world and it kind of creeps me out. BUT sometimes I still shop there. It is convenient sometimes?!
For most of my life I have been very adamant about hating country music. Through out the years I have become more open to it, and in the last few months I have grown to love it. There I said it.
I always use the handicap bathrooms. They are always spacious, often cleaner and many of them have the sink in the stall- so that means I can check my teeth and hair in privacy. Is that so wrong?
I feel much better. Anyone else need to unload a few secrets?
I absolutely hate Wal-mart. I think they are trying to take over the world and it kind of creeps me out. BUT sometimes I still shop there. It is convenient sometimes?!
For most of my life I have been very adamant about hating country music. Through out the years I have become more open to it, and in the last few months I have grown to love it. There I said it.
I always use the handicap bathrooms. They are always spacious, often cleaner and many of them have the sink in the stall- so that means I can check my teeth and hair in privacy. Is that so wrong?
I feel much better. Anyone else need to unload a few secrets?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
So my brother Jake called me tonight and shared a story about my little nephew Luke. I guess earlier today they caught Luke picking his nose. My brother said he was digging deep(up to his knuckles deep-eww). He and my sister in-law Carolyn began talking about how disgusting, gross and bad it is to pick your nose. A few seconds of silence from Luke and then he said this:
"OK Mommy, I will put the booger back in my nose."
I laughed so hard. It is completely gross BUT it made my night.
"OK Mommy, I will put the booger back in my nose."
I laughed so hard. It is completely gross BUT it made my night.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
comfort food
These lovely gals are my best friends from high school. In September (should have posted a LONG time ago) we all met up and went to lunch and did some shopping. The two on the right- Suz and Becky still live in Pocatello. Emily and I now live here in SLC. We don't get together very often so it was a welcome treat. We all are at very different stages in life- Becky has been married for 5 years, Emily married with a baby and Suz and I are stilling living the singles life dream. It is pretty fabulous we have managed to stay good friends.
It is like comfort food(analogies with food I get) when we do get together. We were so silly and giggling that one of us probably peed our pants. Yes, Emily is flipping off the camera- we were all acting VERY mature that day.
Hooray for old friends, hooray for new friends, hooray for friends! :)
Sunday, November 4, 2007
One of my favorite things...
Matinee movies. Cheaper tickets, always get a good seat, and only a few people in the theater with you, so you are free to laugh as loud and obnoxious as you please. My friend Mel and I saw "Dan in Real Life"(think that's the title) on Tuesday afternoon and loved it!
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