(Dave and my nephew Sammy. )
Me, my sisters in-law and my momma went to Vegas. Just the girls. Well, just the girls plus baby Sammy and baby Cole.
I must confess that I am somewhat of a disappointment to my mother. All my sister in-laws are much better at beading jewelry than I am. I was much more interested in stuffing my face and chit chatting. It is a good thing my brothers married wonderful ladies. :) She needs to pass on her talent.
Thanks for the good times ladies!
ps- My only regret is that Carolyn and I shared the PB Euphoria at Max Brenner chocolate instead of getting our own.
sounds like a good time. just cause you were distracted by food doesn't mean you're not crafty. you just have diff priorities. :D
We must go back soon!! When I told my friend we went to Max Brenner she listed off a bunch of desserts that she loves and we didn't get ANY of them!! Most go back to re-explore. Next time we each get our own though ---thanks for the good times.
How fun! I bet your Mom was on cloud nine!
Yeah, I don't think that's what most people do in Vegas. The only thing missing from your trip was...ME. :)
That baby looks good on Dave's chest. Just sayin'.
That baby does look good on Daves chest- course you two as a couple with a baby is an Ensign moment waiting to happen everytime! I dont want to make you look bad on your blog Anna- but I am secretly doubting that you could have finished the PB euphoria by yourself... I on the other hand, could have brought honor to the family with how fast I could have downed it.
Anna, you are never a disappointment to me, nor could you ever be. My but did we have fun!!!
nice anna..thats al lyou can do in vegas bead right?? hmmmmmmmmm
i remember vegas....
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