Sunday, December 28, 2008


It snowed a lot this last week. The snow was pretty and made it white for Christmas. It also made the roads un fun AND all this excess snow made it quite difficult to buy sleds the day before Christmas. It is as if other people thought sledding was a fun past time.
We did finally have success and found these lovely little penguins to ride down the hills on.

Me and Luke My petite brother Jake... There is a little penguin underneath and his boys would sit on his tummy and ride down the hill. They loved it. My 63 year old dad, going head first down the hill. He is amazing.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Things that have made me happy in the last day/week:

1. It is Christmas Eve- Eve. Yay!
2. I spent 3 hours in the car with two of my nephews today. Jett sang most of the songs I played for him. My favorites to hear him sing: "Your Beautiful" by James Blunt, "Unwritten" by Natasha Beddingfield and anything by Kelly Clarkson. He tries so hard, and he almost always requests to hear one of his songs at least twice, especially if he some how misses a word.
3. Seeing a grown man at the gym reading "Twilight" while on the elliptical. Apparently at the front desk you give them your gym pass AND your man card. ;) Oh, and I saw this guy yesterday too.
4. Not having school. Did I tell you I finished another semester? I am proud of me.
5. My mom loves her grand kids and is in heaven when they are around. My sweet momma doesn't know how to say no. Today my nephew says, "Grandma never says no, she always obeys us!" bahaha Perhaps she should start saying no...
6. In 13 days me and my friends are going on a cruise. Yes, this thought has brought me much happiness.
7. The mix CD I got at a white elephant gift exchange. This mix is tops. It really is a musical snack. Who wouldn't want New Kids, Whitney Houston, Savage Garden, Little Mermaid and many other talents on one CD??
8. Being in Chubbuck Idaho. This is my home. I still love it, even if I start to get antsy with in a few hours of being here. It makes me happy.

As you can see I am a happy girl, and this is not a complete list by any means. Just a few highlights.

*I know that I have been a neglectful blogger. I know this post is not what a come back post should be, it IS lacking. I promise to make up for it.